写真・文 / Photo and Text:長久保定雄 / Sadao Nagakubo
-デザイン / Book design:内田京樺 / Keika Uchida
-フォトレタッチ / Photo retouching : 片山雅之 / Masayuki Katayama
-プリンティングディレクション / Printing Direction :
髙栁昇 / Noboru Takayanagi
-判型/Size:A4 (297 x 210mm)
-頁数/pages・40 pages
-カラー/Color : フルカラー / Full Color
<本文用紙/Paper, main body>
マットコート紙/ Matte Coated paper
中綴じ/Saddle stich binding
This photo book contains a number of beautifully captured works that tell small, casual stories of wild birds living in the nature of the Kurome River, a small river that flows through Asaka City in Saitama Japan.
The author, Sadao Nagakubo began photographing wild birds in the Kurome River in January 2018, and while identifying as many as 64 species of wild birds, he continues to study the behavior and ecology of wild birds through statistical processing using photographic data.