
Spectrum of Vivid Moments その光に色を見る 流麻二果/Spectrum of Vivid Moments,Manika Nagare

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仕様:A4変形並製 210x280mm, 120ページ
編 集・表 紙 デザイン:⼤代 理恵
アートディレクション:近藤 ⿇由
出版社:株式会社 東京印書館
ISBN 978-4-9912566-0-8

Specifications: A4 size, 210x280mm, 120 pages
Editorial and cover design: Rie Oshiiro
Art Direction: Mayu Kondo
Date of issue: April 15, 2022
ISBN 978-4-9912566-0-8

用紙:b7トラネクスト、淡クリームキンマリ、い織り プラチナホワイト

Tone Reproduction method:4C,Black1C,Gloss Varnish
Paper:b7 TRANEXT, Light Cream Kinmari, Iori platinum white
アーティスト流麻二果さんの作品集『Spectrum of Vivid Moments その光に色を見る』

2021年にはニューヨークでの個展『In Between』(Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery)が、ニューヨークタイムスの「今週観るべき5選」に選ばれるなど、国外での活躍も目覚ましい流麻二果さんの近年の仕事を4つのテーマと共に振り返り、制作に対する思いやコンセプトを明らかにしたものです。


そのきっかけとなった2020 年の練馬区立美術館「再構築 Re Construction」のキュレーター真子みほ氏による寄稿も収録され、国内外での評価と取り組みが伝わる一冊です。


Artist Manika Nagare's collection "Spectrum of Vivid Moments: Seeing Color in Its Light"

The book reviews the recent work of the artist, who has been remarkably active outside of Japan, including her solo exhibition "In Between" (Miyako Yoshinaga Gallery) in New York in 2021, which was selected as one of the "5 Things to do This Weekend" by The New York Times, and reveals her thoughts and concepts about her work. The exhibition also reveals the thoughts and concepts behind her work.

In addition to an interview with Ms. Nagare and Dr. Yasuko Tsuchikane (Adjunct Associate Professor,The Cooper Union:Adjunct Professor, Waseda University), this issue also includes a new initiative, the "Traces of Colors" series, which reviews the lives of women in Japan and as artists along with their history.

The book also includes a contribution by Miho Manako, curator of the Nerima Art Museum's "Re Construction" in 2020, which served as the impetus for the series, and conveys the appreciation and efforts being made both in Japan and abroad.

Nagare, who has been called an "alchemist of chromatic effects,the painter" creates a variety of vivid yet pale paintings with a unique texture of overlapping transparency and shading.

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